Nichole Fernández

Editor/Creative Director


Discipline: Sociology

Research Interests: Visual sociology, national identity, digital cultures, transnationalism, European identity, postmodernity, and nation branding. Interested in how national identity is visualized and overall role of  images within a visually lead digital society. My research focuses on tourism advertisements as a way of using images to construct and sell national identity within the EU.

If you were a box of cereal what would you be and why: Bobs Red Mill muesli. But its not a box of cereal, it’s a bag, because the environment hates packaging. It also has Bob’s beautiful face on the bag so you can croon over his environmentally friendly and health conscious smile as you eat breakfast. Environment meets advertising and just like me, for better or for worse, it’s a little too ecochic.

What did you want to be when you grew up: I didn’t want to be anything; I wanted to be everything (and I have yet to grow out of that).

Tell us something about another staff writer: Dilara, in addition to being an amazing person, has socks with ducks on them.

Nichole's Articles