Nichole Fernández
Editor/Creative Director

Discipline: Sociology
Research Interests: Visual sociology, national identity, digital cultures, transnationalism, European identity, postmodernity, and nation branding. Interested in how national identity is visualized and overall role of images within a visually lead digital society. My research focuses on tourism advertisements as a way of using images to construct and sell national identity within the EU.
If you were a box of cereal what would you be and why: Bobs Red Mill muesli. But its not a box of cereal, it’s a bag, because the environment hates packaging. It also has Bob’s beautiful face on the bag so you can croon over his environmentally friendly and health conscious smile as you eat breakfast. Environment meets advertising and just like me, for better or for worse, it’s a little too ecochic.
What did you want to be when you grew up: I didn’t want to be anything; I wanted to be everything (and I have yet to grow out of that).
Tell us something about another staff writer: Dilara, in addition to being an amazing person, has socks with ducks on them.
Nichole's Articles
Those of you who know me are aware of my undying love for David Bowie. My well-known fascination (slightly bordering on blind obsession) with the artist can be described as being so ingrained in my daily life that my college roommate once lovingly made me a bracelet with the letters WWDBD, or What Would David Bowie Do?
2015 has been quite a year. In this collaborative post IANS editors, staff writers, and contributors write about their most defining moment of 2015.
Lately I have found myself walking around town, going about my everyday activities, and getting increasingly frustrated. I’m not frustrated with the average worries of modern life such as a busy daily commute, and eternally long bank lines.
I am an unwavering and proud supporter of marriage equality. I’m frustrated that it is taking so long to happen but I am proud of the momentum the cause has gained in the past few years. That being said, I do have issues with the way marriage equality is sometimes portrayed as the end goal for the LGBT movement.
The symbol of the US dollar looks like this: $. But you don’t need me to tell you that. The dollar sign is so widely recognized that it often surpasses its literal meaning as the symbol for US currency and comes to symbolize money and wealth in general. The dollar sign, in short, has become part of a language of symbols.
The exhibit by Croatian photographer Tomislav Može entitled command+shift+3 (the shortcut keys for a screenshot) is an exploration into our daily involvement with the digital world. Far beyond its mechanical creativity, the project challenges the modern world of social media we have constructed.
On a cold and historic day in February 1964 the iconic red and white maple leaf flag was raised for the first time ending what would later be referred to as the “The Great Canadian Flag Debate”. Chances are you have never heard of the great flag debate, even though it was once the subject of a controversial and heated international dispute.
Yes, I outwardly judge you for posting overly filtered photos on your social media page. But inwardly, I kind of really love it. I love the imagined nostalgia that converts bland mobile phone images into a romantic narrative. I love that photo filters bring design into daily life.
I am the person responsible for most of the photos you see at the top of all the articles published on this blog. Every week I sift through thousands of stock photos to pick something that is both free and illustrates adequately the article’s subject.