Bryce Bahler
Discipline: Childhood Studies
Research Interests: My research interests are quite varied in nature, but connected by the common thread of children and young people. My previous research has focused on developing therapeutic interventions for sexually exploited young people, particularly males and LGBTQ youth. I have also participated in research on homeless youth and children who've experienced domestic violence. My current interests include, broadly, children's rights and child policy. More specifically I'm curious about children's participation of the creation of social and mental health services and the experiences of LGBTQ youth in foster care. Interventions--with an emphasis on harm-reduction, trauma-informed, and attachment theory approaches--for sexually exploited youth continues to be an area of focus as well.
If you were a box of cereal what would you be and why: Lucky Charms, no contest.
What did you want to be when you grew up: My dream was always to be a veterinarian. In fact, I used to use graph paper (from my father's construction company) to draw "to scale" floor plans of my dream vet clinic.
Where are you right now: Sitting in front of my computer imagining things I can do to avoid researching.
Tell us something about another staff writer: Martin, Jacopo, Eloi, and Anabel are all kickass football (soccer for you American readers) players. Nichole, Becky, Michal, and I are try really hard!
The upcoming marriage equality referendum in Ireland is being heralded as historic, not just for the country itself, but for the global effort to realize equality and human rights for LGBTQ people. What is particularly interesting to me as child researcher, is the way in which both sides of the debate have situated children and young people in their campaigning.