Kelsey Fritts

 FORMER Staff Writer


Discipline: Medical Anthropology

Research interests: I’m currently doing research on experimental organ transplantations, specifically on organs sourced from non-human origins (xenotransplantation and artificial organ technologies). I’m also interested in and have done work on psychiatric nosology and mental illness, and I wrote my undergraduate dissertation on social desires and anxieties expressed in utopian/dystopian science fiction.

If you were a box of cereal what would you be and why: Probably cinnamon toast crunch, because it’s delicious. Plus, after you’re done with the cereal you can drink the sweet milk and that is just awesome. And I ate it for dessert all through undergrad and they say you are what you eat… so….

What did you want to be when you grew up: Either a horse whisperer or a famous singer/songwriter (think of me as the next Taylor Swift, but with less country flair)(note: still haven’t given up on either of those).

Where are you right now: I’m taking shelter in Starbucks because hell hath no fury like springtime rainstorms in Edinburgh. And I don’t have Internet at home so I come here to use their free wifi.

Tell us something about another staff writer: Bex is mildly afraid of human contact, but if you give her a long hug – at least 10 seconds in duration– she will be incredibly grateful for your show of affection (just hold on even if she protests or pulls away).

Kelsey's Articles