Alice Hague

Staff Writer 

Discipline: I’m based in Politics but my research is interdisciplinary.

Research Interests: I’m interested in faith-based activism and am particularly looking at activism about climate change and environmental issues by members of communities of faith. 

If you were a box of cereal what would you be and why: crunchy granola – a bit of a mixture, sometimes fairly predictable, sometimes with an unexpected flavour here or there, and a definite tendency to think I’m healthier than I really am.

What did you want to be when you grew up: Either a sport journalist (I wanted Hazel Irvine's job ... and sometimes still do) or a lab scientist. 

Where are you right now: Sitting in a coffee shop in Edinburgh trying to get back into the swing of things after the Christmas/new year break. 

Tell us something about another staff writer: Rebecca owns a plant called Ethel.

Alice's Articles