Jacopo Colombini

FORMER Staff Writer 

Discipline: Italian Studies

Research Interests: Migration and border studies. Discourses on migration in contemporary Italy.

If you were a box of cereal what would you be and why: A box of Jacoco-pops, because I am sweet, crunchy and I crackle if you poor milk on me, but I can be very unhealthy if you have too much of me...

What did you want to be when you grew up: When I was 11 – after having watched the most amazing Hollywood’s disaster movie ever, “Twister” – I wanted to be a tornado chaser. Unfortunately, despite recent improvements (thank you global warming!), Italy is not a land for rotating columns of air and cumulonimbus clouds. 

Where are you right now: I am illegally occupying some other student's desk at Edinburgh Uni...

Tell us something about another staff writer: Despite what he says in his profile, Eloi is a good footballer. If you want to make Alessio happy just give him a Thai massage.

Jacopo's Articles