Alex Gapud

Staff Writer 

Discipline: Social Anthropology

Research Interests: (For my thesis) Postcolonial Memory, England, heritage, historical consciousness, materiality; (Personally and maybe of use to the blog) Theology, Politics, International Relations

If you were a box of cereal what would you be and why: If I were a box of cereal, I'd probably be Cinnamon Life. I don't think we have that in the UK--much like you didn't have me until I got here--but it's what I'd be because it's subtly sweet with a little bit of cinnamon spice, and it's supposedly wholesome and good for you.  (However, I much prefer answering the question, 'If you were a drink, what would you be?' My answer would be that I'd be Lagavulin 16 [my favourite whisky] because up front, it's smoky and's dark, rich, and's a little bit more expensive than most, can be a bit hard to find [especially in England!], and not necessarily to everyone's liking at first.  But...if you let it linger long enough, you'll find that it's actually rather sweet and it eventually becomes your favourite.)

What did I want to be when I grew up: Happy, married, settled in my career, and financially stable.  I guess I've still growing up to do.

Where are you right now: I'm currently in Bristol, England for my fieldwork.  It's a sunny day, but I've learned to trust Bristolian blue skies as much as I trust politicians.

About another staff writer: In addition to being a lovely person and a great friend with amazing graphic and web design skills, Nichole Fernández is a very accomplished equestrian.


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