Chris Crockford
Former Editor
Discipline: Cognitive Neuroscience / Neuropsychology
Research Interests: I’m interested in neurodegeneration and how this informs neuropsychology more generally. I’m also interested in how many diseases and conditions overlap. Currently, I am researching the relationship between motor neuron disease, dementia, genetics and physical symptoms.
If you were a box of cereal what would you be and why: Lucky Charms because I’m Irish, and all Irish people are Leprechauns.
What did you want to be when you grew up: Istill haven’t grown up so it should read ‘What DO I want to be’. I want to be a spy (but not like James Bond, he has loose morals).
Where are you right now: I’m in an old disused psychiatric asylum outside of Dublin.
Tell us something about another staff writer: Becky has one of the filthiest minds I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.
In 2013 a constitutional convention was held in Ireland to discuss proposed amendments to the Irish constitution. One of the issues discussed was that of same-sex marriage. The proposal pertaining to that matter was a success and on May 22nd, two years after the convention was held, Ireland is set to vote on same-sex marriage.