Ana-Isabel Nölke
Discipline: Consumer Behaviour and Customer Experiences
Research Interests: My primary research interest revolves around the effects and influences advertising has for stigmatised communities over the life course. I investigate how the life experiences and viewpoints of younger and older members of stigmatised communities inform their responses to advertising which includes their social-group in representations. Further I look at the ways in which stigma has been driven and limited by marketing representations, identities, and life experiences over time. Secondly, I am interested in the shift towards a service-dominant logic – how companies achieve customer experience management in the digital age, and the consequences and opportunities this entails in a consumerist society.
If you were a box of cereal what would you be and why: I would probably be a box of Clusters. Not only because it was my favourite as a child, but because it includes nuts (which I am, a little), and wholegrain cereal (I can pretend to be healthy most of the time, even if I’ve got a huge sweet tooth). Also because, apparently, you cannot get it in the UK – so I’m unique!
What did you want to be when you grew up: I wanted to be a lot of things, mostly those involving building things or working with my hands: an architect or a furniture restorer. Funnily enough, I’m now working in the complete opposite direction, although I still build things in my spare time.
Tell us something about another staff writer: I met Becky at one of her infamous Pot-Lucks. We immediately “clicked” over our love of heated debates. She has an astounding personality and has proved to be a never-ending fountain of knowledge and opinion, which has made for some interesting evenings. She is an absolutely lovely, very loyal, and intelligent friend and woman. Without her, this project would never have come to life.
After the Stonewall riots in 1969 companies began to become increasingly aware of the profitability of appealing to gay consumers. Promptly, marketers started targeting mythical ‘dream consumers’ - white, middle-class, gay men with double income, but no kids to spend it on.